
You have always been my wildflower, showing up wherever beauty's lost its way- Sheryl Crow

My name is Kasey, and I am 23 years old. I am a grad student studying to be a secondary education teacher. I grew up in VA but I think it's safe to safe to say somewhere up North is where I will end up (unless its the Outer Banks of NC). This blog will be put mostly to use for my random thoughts about life. The reason I named it Bewildflowers is because I believe that a Wildflower is one of the most beautiful things in the world. Don't settle for the ordinary, be WILD. I LOVE writing and quotes of any kind. My friends mean everything to me and the fact that I have had mostly the same best friendships from kindergarten on speaks to that. My family is also the best thing in the world (esp my little brother). The Office, Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, NYC, history, movies of any kind (except for most scifi/horror), PIZZA, and singing describe me in a nutshell. I'm excited to get this whole blog thing going! Thanks so much to my friend Kate for designing it!

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